Monday, April 21, 2008

Happy New Earth Day!

Don't get me wrong. I used to love Earth Day. In fact, I loved it so much that I spent 4+ years and $35,000 studying all things Earthy (B.A. Environmental Studies). And even though I realize that in the bigger scheme of things our inner and outer environments are intertwined in a big sticky web of interconnectedness, I would be lying if I didn't say that I'm currently suffering from a huge case of eco-overdose. We've celebrated Earth Day for 38 years and our environment is worse off than when we started. can't solve a problem with the same mind that created it.

Here's an essay written by someone who echos my personal sentiments on where this green-headed monster called Eco-consciousness is going to lead. Maybe it's cleaning up our inner environment that is what the Earth really needs.

Which brings me to A New Earth, by Eckhart Tolle, author of the Power of Now and other spiritually uplifting books. I, like 2,000,000 other people on the planet, have been reading this book and tuning into Oprah's online web casts on Monday nights, where she discusses book with its author. It's been an incredibly enriching experience-especially hearing Mr. Tolle elaborate on the concepts presented in the book. Never have I underlined, dog-eared, circled, and starred so many pages of a book before. I can hardly wait to read it again. This is a book whose time has (thankfully) finally come!

I read another of this author's books, The Power of Now, when it came out 13 years ago. I loved it. This particular book (similar in content) has been on our bookshelf for two years now and I have never gotten around to reading it. Maybe I wasn't ready for the information again until now. Thank you Eckhart, for sharing your spiritual wisdom with us. And thank you Oprah for bringing it to the masses. Happy New Earth Day to both of you!

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