Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Eve Before...

My Juicy Feast!
I've decided that tomorrow is the right day to start my juice feast, so I made a quick trip to Whole Foods and Cub tonight to stock up on produce. The fridge is now packed full of all things juicy!

The juice feast program I'm following is based on the 92 day juice feast developed by David Rainosheck, and written about in the Juice Feasters Handbook, by Angela Stokes. According to the program, I need to strive for a minimum of 4 quarts (1 gallon) of juice a day, including 1 full head of celery per day and at least 2 lbs of greens.

Here's the produce I'm starting with:

Celery, Kale, Parsley, Red Leaf Lettuce, Rainbow Chard, Cucumbers, Carrots, Fennel, Jalapenos, Beets, Red Onion, Ginger, Strawberries, Red and Green Apples, Pineapple, Strawberries, Watermelon, Honeydew, Cantaloupe, Oranges, and Lemons. That should get me through most of the first week.

I'm not sure how long I'm going to stay on this feast. I plan to take it day by day. I would love to make it the full 92 days, which means I wouldn't break the feast until August 19th. Since I haven't even started, that seems far too overwhelming to think about at this stage. My goal is simply going to be to take each day as it comes and listen to my body.

Yesterday was my first day completely off of coffee for a few months. Whew! Thank goodness! I really wanted to go in to my juice feast free from caffeine withdrawals. Getting off of coffee really messes me up, and I can tell you that all day yesterday I pretty much spent the day in bed with a colossal headache. I feel better today, but not great. I've gone through this before (Why, oh why do I EVER go back to coffee?) so I know what to expect. Tomorrow I'll be fine again. Know doubt just in time for some serious juice feast detox :)

I'll be posting a Juicy Diary everyday, including what I drink, detox details, etc. Tomorrow I'll be starting at the beginning-with where I am now (yikes).
So, cheers to a new adventure (*clinks last glass of red wine*)

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