Monday, May 5, 2008

Thinking About Getting Juicy

I'm Feeling Ready to Get Juicy!

So, for those who are unaware, since March 01, 2008, a diverse group of juicy people from around the globe have been partaking in the 1st annual Global Juice Feast. Hosted by David and Katrina Rainoshek of , I have been following this event with interest since it started-watching, listening, and learning. Wow! This amazing event is changing the course of people's lives (from the inside out) as they embark on a (hero's) journey to reclaim their health, and the health of the planet.

I've done my homework and at this point, I feel ready to start my own juice feast soon. In January of this year I did a 6-day mini Master Cleanse. I found it challenging. Detox was immediate and it was HARSH. I wasn't as physically or mentally prepared as I needed to be to complete the entire 10 days. Still, the over all experience was a positive one and it left me wanting more.

I want to go from this..

To this...

I need to make a break for freedom. There isn't ever going to be a time when there isn't a deadline, a night out, a party, or an important event.

My life is happening in the NOW.

Things are always going to come up, because life isn't always convenient. But hell, neither is poor health. My mind and spirit are ready now, and I've been juicing and eating high raw for several weeks in preparation.

My biggest concern is preparing my body for the realities of a juice feast. Although I've been eating high raw for several weeks, I haven't experienced much in the way of detox. Am I in for another harsh reality? Maybe so.

I've been searching for information about how long most juice feasters have been raw (or high raw) before attempting their first juice feast. So far I've come up short. Maybe I'm the Guinea Pig I'm looking for.

Will a raw food diet (or juice feast) rattle my BONES?

I'm at a greater risk for bone loss than other women my age due to a condition called Premature Ovarian Failure. I've read studies where people on raw food diets have a lower bone density than those on a typical S.A.D. diet, so I emailed Matt Monarch for his thoughts. He suggested that I contact well known raw food researcher Dr. Fred Bischi for advice. Intuitively, I can't imagine how a diet of raw foods could put my bones at a greater risk than than a diet consisting of meat and cooked food. It just isn't logical. I'm already on a low dose of hormone replacement therapy, take a bone-building calcium supplement and avoid things like caffeine and alcohol. What I could do it get more weight bearing exercise like walking and lifting weights.

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