Sunday, May 25, 2008

Juice Feast-Day 8

Starting Week Two we go. Starting on week two today. We've been blessed with a gentle rain here today, and I'm in a "curl up with a book on the couch" kinda mood...

pH...It's all about BALANCE Baby!

Today has been an interesting day. I stopped by the local co-op again to pick up a pH kit (Seriously, I should apply there. Most customers already think I work there anyway). I'm was curious as to the pH of my saliva and urine. Why? Because when the body is constantly kept in an acidic state all kinds of things go haywire with our internal ecosystem. ALL disease thrives in an acid state!

Also interesting...I just read an article that talked about how our bodies hold on to fat to protect itself from an acid condition. Fat is where the body stores excess acids and toxins when it can no longer handle the acid load! A balanced body will arrive at its proper weight naturally. Health first and the weight will melt away by itself.

Ideally, normal blood pH is tightly regulated between 7.35 and 7.45 (slightly alkaline). When too many acid forming foods are ingested, acid buffers in the body start dumping the excess into your saliva and urine. So, in a balanced individual, urine and saliva pH should test neutral at 6.8 to 7.2. I'm there! Well...almost. My saliva and urine pH don't exactly match (my saliva was slightly more acid today). All that means is that I still have some work to do:)

1 Week Weight loss

I'm down 11 lbs as of today-from 188 down to 177. Of course it's not all fat, but I can tell you that no matter what it's composed of, my body appreciates anything that lightens the load. Weight released means less toxins in my body:) Yipeeeeee!!!!!
Juicy Diary-Day 8

(In order of appearance)

32 oz water + 2 MSM caps

2 cascara sagarda caps (herbal lax)

32 oz pineapple/strawberry/orange

32 oz water +1 B12 cap

14 oz water bentonite/psyllium husk powder

32 oz water

100 oz Green Juice (bok choi, rainbow chard, collard greens, dandelion greens, carrots, apples, jalapenos, cucumbers, celery, zucchini, parsley, radish, green bell pepper, and garlic). Bok choi in the mix today. High water content and green thrown in as a bonus. Mild flavor. Loved it!

Total Juice = 132 ounces (1.03 gallons)

Total Water = 110 ounces (0.86 gallons)


Exercise: 1 mile hike with the dog. 30 minutes yoga.

Sleep: 6.5 hours last night. Great sleep! Felt well-rested this morning and woke up early without the alarm. No dream recall, though :( which is odd, because I dream A LOT!

Energy: Excellent! I had a lot of energy today-the best energy day so far on this feast. I found myself fidgeting a lot today trying to burn off the excess. Whaaaaa!!!!!

Sauna: 30 minutes

Physical Detox: Slight headache and a bit of a grumpy stomach early in the day. Could have been my body saying, "Juice me, please!" Both feelings lasted only a few minutes then passed. No cravings today, but I nearly psyched myself out thinking about the fact that I have to drink nothing but juice for the next umpteen days. (*breathes deeply*) The green juice tasted icky today. *gulp*

Weight loss so far: 11 lbs. Hopefully comprised of 3-4 solid pounds of toxins :)

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