Sunday, January 6, 2008


January 2008 marks the completion of my 39th year. The grand start of my 40th trip around the sun. My personal “Happy New Year!” Birthdays are generally a time when I stop to reflect, assess, and give myself a sort of quasi performance review based on how far I’ve come. Based on this past year’s performance, I’ve decided things need to change. If forty is the new thirty, then I’m pretty much…well, ageing badly. Not catastrophically, just badly.

Part of my so-called health mission/epiphany (and subsequent blog) can be blamed on vanity. I am certainly not immune to excessive pride or to the forces of ego. I think that for most of us, there comes a day when the image we see reflected back in the mirror is no longer in harmony with how we imagine ourselves to be. Ahem. Startling, isn’t it? Believe me, that day has came and gone for me! Still, changing my outward appearance is not my primary objective here. I’m more interested in the inner landscaping. I’m beginning to feel things breaking down in there, -sluggish bowels, achy joints, shortness of breath, thinning (graying) hair, aging skin, extra weight, etc.

Then there is the mind. A few decades of having negative self-talk for a travel companion is starting to wear thin on me. Thoughts can manifest themselves in the body, and over the past few years, my thoughts have become increasingly toxic. It’s time to hear some new music. Change the tape already!

What this all amounts to is the need to clearing out the clutter and giving myself some room to grow. As Alison Rose Levy put it, “In minds crammed with thoughts, organs clogged with toxins, and bodies stiffened with neglect, there is just no space for anything else”.

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