Sunday, January 6, 2008

Meditation-Day 2 of MC

I'm not really very good at meditation, although I am very familiar with the concept. That's because I've read books on it, and I've taken classes on it, and I've watched videos on it. None of which, as it turns out, have been a reasonable substitute to actually sitting still and consistently practicing it.

I've have been been able to "tap in" when practicing various forms of moving meditation-playing piano, running and painting. But I want to be able to sit in silence, find my center and really feel connected to GOD. I want to make that still, small voice a louder, larger part of my everyday life.

I've decided that being on the Master Cleanse is the perfect opportunity to begin daily practice, so this afternoon I took some time to sit quietly and meditate on my body detoxing. I lit three candles, one each for my mind, body and spirit and proceeded to sit cross-legged on the floor. I wasn't worried about doing it "right." I just started with a prayer of gratitude and protection, focused on my breathing, and began to visualize a broom sweeping every part of my body clean from head to toe. As I visualized each part of my body becoming clean again, I sent it love and gratitude before moving on.

Throughout the visualization process I got a weird sense (a picture, actually) that my bones were, well, "dry", and that the inside of my pancreas was coated with a crystallized substance ( it looked like sugar to me). I also got a sense that the inside of my bladder was, for lack of a better word, "crusty."

The only reason I took notice of these thoughts was because when I got to these areas I had a harder time "sweeping" them clean in my mind (especially my pancreas). I did manage to clean them, although I did get the feeling that I would need to do this visualization daily in order to really help my body with the detox process. Afterwords I just monitored my thoughts for a while (they were all over the board!), and then spent a few minutes observing what my body was saying ( mainly that my upper back hurt, my stomach was cramping, and my butt felt toasty warm from our floor heat).

Hmm....this has the potential to get very interesting as I get deeper into the cleanse. I plan to meditate daily while on the Master Cleanse, not only to help assist my body with the detoxification process, but in hopes of establishing meditation as part of my daily routine.

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