Saturday, January 12, 2008

Learning To Be Excessively Moderate

Today is my second full day after ending the MC early (day 6). I'm still eating mostly soups, although I did have a salad made from romaine lettuce for dinner last night. So far my digestive system seems to be handling the transition back to solids relatively well, but I am still feeling some pain in my abdomen like I did before the cleanse. On the upside, my energy level is back to 100%.

I'm feeling a little disappointed that the MC didn't work out for me. I don't think I was physically (or mentally ) prepared to handle such severe detox symptoms. In the future I think I would rather try a juice fast. One based on abundance, not on deprivation. One where I get all of the calories I need each day (about 1500) and plenty of healthy nutrients, while still allowing my digestive system to rest and my body to detox.

Moderation Is Going To Be Key

Moderation (in all things) is one of life's lessons that I'm still trying to learn-especially when trying to make lifestyle changes. My usual approach tends to be the opposite of excessive. When I quite smoking 6 years ago, it wasn't with nicotine gum, it wasn't with the patch and it wasn't by gradually reducing the amount I smoked. It was cold turkey, plain and simple. Brutal, yet effective. Okay, so maybe this one time excessive-ness did serve me well.

Then there was the time I decided I would train to run a marathon. That is, without ever having run a mile before in my life. It went well all the way up to my first 9 mile run. Then I developed stress fractures in both shins, which pretty much sidelined ANY form of rigorous exercise for the entire following year. (Still going to run that marathon someday, though)

I hope 2008 will mark some important new beginnings for me. My goal is to set a healthy stage for the next phase in my life. Slow, deliberate changes are going to be the key to my success. So everything in moderation, including moderation of course ;)

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