Sunday, January 6, 2008

Pre-Cleansing Goals and Stats.

I'm a planner. I do better with goals. The Master Cleanse is no small undertaking. Some days it gets rough. Someone suggested writing down goals to refer back in the event things start to get a little dicey. It's a great idea. Here's mine:

My Master Cleanse Goals
Clear out accumulated toxins in my body
Give my digestive system a break
Cultivate mental discipline
Gain spiritual insights through integration of greater physical awareness

Intended Duration
39 days (January 5, 2008-February 12, 2008) plus and extra 3 days for transitioning back to solid food.

Pre-Cleanse Stats

Weight: (eeek, is this really important?) 190lbs.

Skin: Generally oily, a bit ruddy, occasional outbreaks of acne. Despite getting good sleep, I’m still sporting lovely half moons under each eye.

Energy: ( Zzzzzz...Zzzzz.) Many everyday tasks seem to take a great effort lately, and with the exception of a daily (1 mile) hike with the dog, I’m currently not exercising at all.

Clarity: Umm…wha?

Bowel Movements: Seldom. I was diagnosed with Premature Ovarian Failure (a.k.a. early menopause) at age 30, and I’ve been post menopausal (no periods at all) since. After 8 years of going it alone, have only recently started on hormone replacement therapy to combat hot flashes and help prevent bone loss. The HRT has been a real life saver ( Yay! Finally some sleep!). The downside is that is that it has slowed my poor bowels down to a mere crawl. (Deep down there is a part of me that hopes improving my health will bring my ovaries out of retirement just for a few more years. Not holding my breath though).

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