Thursday, June 26, 2008

Juice Feast-Day 40

DAY 40!!!!
Befores & Afters

I meant to do this on day 30, but I forgot. So here are some before and after pictures from today. I wore the same shirt and jeans and tried to do my hair about the same (which means not doing it..hee,hee). Sorry about the difference in lighting :) I think it's quite an amazing transformation for only 40 days...but hey, that's juice feasting!

Honestly, I have no idea who the sad woman in the top pictures is. I don't even recognize her. The woman on the bottom, however, is starting to look like someone I remember! As of this picture I know I've released 27 lbs. I only weigh myself on Sundays, so I couldn't say how much more weight has been lost in the past 5 days.

Just Say "NO!" To the Perfume Counter

Today I went shopping for a bachelorette party gift at Victoria's Secret. While I was there, I decided (like an idiot) to spray a perfume tester onto my wrist to sample a fragrance. YUCK!!!! I may have just as well sprayed it directly into my face, because that was my body's response...instant toxic overload. My eyes starting tearing, my throat became sore and my head started to pound. I really thought I was going to puke. Lesson learned: It's apparent to me that in just 40 short day, juice feasting has increased my sensitivity to chemicals.

Since day 1 of this feast I've avoided all cosmetics, including lotions, lip balm, perfume, make-up, and yes, even deodorant (don't worry, I check well and check often). I'm still using shampoo and conditioner, natural bar soaps and Tom's of Main toothpaste. But it just doesn't make sense to me to detoxify my body while putting chemicals on my skin. After all, it's the largest detox organ we have! Stepping out without make-up isn't always easy (although, for me it's never been too hard) , so I'm going to to rely on a natural sunny glow for some up-coming social events.

Juicy Diary-Day 40

(today's juices & supplements)

32 oz water
32 oz water
4 oz orange juice + 3 MSM + 2 casacara sagrada
27 oz green juice (kale, parsley, spinach, cilantro, dandelion greens, green bell pepper, mini sweet red peppers, jalapeno, garlic, celery, cucumber, carrots, onion, Spanish radish, horseradish). OH MY...SOOOO GOOD!!
27 oz green juice
32 oz water
32 oz pineapple/strawberry

Total juice = 122 oz (0.95 gallons)
Total water = 96 oz (0.75 gallons)

Sleep & dreams: 8 hrs. No dream recall
Exercise: shopping? ha!
Sauna: 30 minutes
Energy: Excellent
Physical observations: I still have a rash on my tummy and a few weird looking bumps on my shins (not itchy, though). My face is breaking out a bit again, too. I'm actually going to have to trim my fingernails today...not something I ever thought would come up in this lifetime :)
Comments: Well, here it is day 40 already. I'm really happy to have made it this far on my juice feast and excited about the mental, physical, and spiritual gains I've made thus far on my journey.

I have a tough 4 day period coming up starting on Sunday-one day long party and then a trip out of town for a few days. I'm going to be around a lot of people who (A) don't understand what I'm doing and (B) don't approve. I'm certainly going into this time with my guard up and will do my best to prepare myself both physically (with lots of juice) and mentally. Juice on, feasters!


  1. Ellen, I couldn't be more proud of you!!! You are such an inspiration to us all. You go girlfriend! (((hugs))) love and light, Aleesha *fasting buddies forever!!!*

  2. Thanks Aleesha! Couldn't have done it without your support!!! (((hugs back)))

  3. you look fabulous!! enjoying reading your blog so much!

  4. raw_veganlondoner,

    Thanks so much! You, along with all of my feaster pals have provided so much inspiration and support to me!! (((Hugs!!)))
