Friday, June 27, 2008

Juice Feast-Day 41

(Today's greens made 61 oz of juice using my Green Star)


Today someone asked me what a typical day is like for me in regards to fluid intake. As I told her, usually, I try to take in at least 1 gallon of juice and a gallon of water-two gallons of fluid total. I don't always make it to two gallons, but I do my best. I don't use any exact recipes, so volume-wise it doesn't always come out the same. Usually if anything gets shorted it's the water or the fruit juice. Plus, sometimes I just don't feel like I can manage peeing every 15 minutes all day long!

In my opinion, the green juices are the key to my body getting everything it needs. That's why I feel like it's willing to release all of the other crud. I think the fruit juices assist me in clearing things out and adding vital antioxidants, but if my body wasn't getting the protein and phytochemicals it needed, I don't think it would feel like it could let go of all of the other "junk."

Lately I'm feeling the need to simplify my greens, but haven't come up with a combo that works for me yet. I add peppers, garlic, cilantro and jalapenos to my greens because it masks the taste. I HAVE to do this in order to drink 1/2 gallon of greens per day.

Juicy Diary-Day 41

(Today's juices & supplements)

32 oz pineapple/strawberry + 3 MSM
32 oz water
30 oz green juice (kale, spinach, parsley, cilantro, celery, carrots, cucumber, green bell pepper, mini sweet red peppers, jalapeno, garlic, onion)
32 0z water
30 oz green juice
32 oz water
32 oz apple/red grape/plum

Total juice = 124 oz (0.98 gallons)
Total juice = 96 oz (0.75 gallons)

Sleep & dreams: 6 hrs: I had three dreams last night. At the moment I can only remember part of one. I was standing under a cobblestone bridge that spanned a walking path. On one side of the bridge was the U.K. and on the other side of the bridge was the United States. I was standing on the U.S. side. There was also a man holding a horse on each side of the bridge. The horse on the U.S. side was a black horse with a rather dull coat (I think). The horse on the U.K. side was a beautiful shiny bay (I think). Horses usually represent my energy to me in dreams. I'm not sure which horse was actually on which side of the bridge, and I'm afraid that is probably a big key in deciphering this dream's meaning. Poo.

Exercise: 30 minute treadmill work out.
Sauna: 20 minutes
Energy: grrrrrreat!
Comments: Nothing really exciting is happening. Day 40 came and went and now I'm looking forward to the next big goal. Day 46 is the half-way point of feasting and my next big milestone, but I've got to get through a tough weekend first. :)

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